You got a reward!

Hello {{ event.customer_name }},

Congratulations on earning a reward for completing the {{ event.completed_action }} action on {{ event.shop_name }}.

Here's your reward: {{ event.reward }}

Your current balance is: {{ event.current_balance }}

You're almost there! By earning just a few more points, you'll unlock our {{event.available_discount_title}}. Once redeemed, you can apply this discount to your next purchase.

Just go to Rewards page and click on Redeem.

Visit our website to earn more.

Thank you for your loyalty to {{ event.shop_name }}. If you wish to unsubscribe from our emails, please use the link below.

Kind regards,
The {{ event.shop_name }} team

No longer want to receive these emails? {% unsubscribe %}
{{ }} {{ organization.full_address }}